Baptisms for the Dead




Baptisms for the DEAD? What’s that? No, we don’t baptize dead bodies despite what others believe….and maybe what I believed when I was 12. It’s a sacred ordinance performed in the LDS Temple. It is AH-MAZING! It will change your life. Really.

When I first participated in Baptisms for the Dead when I as 15, I was nervous and didn’t see the point. It was an amazing experience though. My sister and I were able to see my Dads name be done. He was not a member when he passed away, so it was sweet, sad, and spiritual. I went two more times while I was a youth but that was it.

July of 2013 I felt like I needed to go to the temple. The spirit was so strong. So, I got a temple recommend the following Sunday, convinced a friend to go with me and we were off! The Mesa temple is beautiful! It really is! We did baptisms and of course headed over to Cafe Rio for some yummy salad. Its scrumptious if you’ve never been!

I then felt again like I needed to go to the temple AGAIN! What? It’s pretty far from where I live! With my friend at work, I headed there myself. Which freeway driving is SO scary, but I made it! Another amazing, yet quick experience. Apparently nobody wants to go to the temple at 7 am. Crazy! 😉

After that time at the temple, I made a goal. I wanted to do 100 baptisms before I went through the Temple for myself. It was a pretty extreme goal, considering the Temple only allows 5 names per visit unless you bring family names. But I was determined. I bugged friends to go with me until they finally caved. 10 trips, 12 months, and 90 names later I have accomplished my goal! I finished it the day before I turned 20 which made it that much cooler. The Temple workers were much more willing to let me do 17 names once I told them of my goal. Amazing.

SO. In the last year I have grown to love the Temple more than I can even explain. The spirit that is felt in there is amazing and so peaceful. I was the youth kicking and screaming whenever there was a Temple trip! And now? Now I wish I lived across from the Temple cause I would go everyday. I love it. I love being able to give others a chance to accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I love knowing that those who didn’t have a chance here on Earth, like my Dad, can have the chance in the next life. I have received comfort through my trials while in the Temple. The last few trips have been my favorite for a few reasons. The friends I have been able to take with me have become like family. I’ve gotten closer to them as I have drawn closer to my Savior. The Temple is amazing. The workers are so sweet and understanding! I think I have the baptismal and confirmation prayer memorized I’ve been so many times!

Go to the temple. Make it a part of your life. I am so grateful I did. I took an old Young Womens leader with me, and it was finally MY turn to hand her the towel. I loved it. So go. It will change your life. And take family names!

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