

trek post

In June this year I attended a 4 day reenactment of the Pioneer Trek. I was called to be a Big Sister! Trek is 4 days of pushing a handcart, square dancing, family bonding, blisters the size of quarters, and dirty water. Doesn’t that sound appealing? No? Well, I would do it again in a heart beat!

Right before I left for Trek I was given the okay to move ahead in the mission paper process. I want to go on a mission. I know that. I know I am supposed to. But I wanted to know why I, Haylei Craig, am supposed to serve an 18 month long mission. I knelt in prayer and asked Heavenly Father,  “What do I have to offer in the mission field?” “Why am I supposed to serve?”

I left for trek the next morning with the prayer in my heart. I was determined to find my answer! I had been on trek before so I knew what was going to happen. My answer was NOT given the first day, nor the second. Yet I prayed again that I would find my answer as to why I was to serve a mission. When the Pony Express arrived with our letters from home, I grabbed mine and found a quiet place to read them. I read through my letters, and as I read the second letter I had tears streaming down my face. This was it. This was my answer. It was from a friend back home who I had begged to write me a letter for trek! Her words were profound and kind. The spirit testified to me that what she was saying was true.

Heavenly Father heard my prayer and answered it. Often times we find the answers to our prayers by being an answer to someone else’s prayer! He is always there. He is always listening. I did not get it right away, but that made it much more powerful and sweet when I finally did receive it. I know my Heavenly Father knows me personally and that this was the only way I was going to believe why I was to serve a mission. I am so grateful for that. I am so grateful for Him. I am grateful for the power of prayer. “The righteous pleadings of your prayers shall be answered.” And they were! Now I know why I am to serve a mission. And this is an experience I will always hold near and dear to my heart. I have found my purpose in serving the Lord.


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