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The only way my title is going to make sense is if you say it like Grue does in Despicable Me!

Eleven days. I leave to serve the amazing people in the Scottsdale mission in ELEVEN DAYS. WHAT!? Wasn’t it just 28 days? And now I am almost in the single digits! Where did the time go?! I’ll tell you where it went….It went to shopping all day everyday until I was exhausted and broke! I am excited to go and serve though. This whole Arizona mission thing has kinda grown on me, and I cannot wait to get out there and serve!

When my Stake President gave me my call he said at the end, “Do you accept this call?” It was at that moment I had to decide. Did I want to serve the Lord? Did I want to share the gospel with others? Or did I just want to get out of Arizona? I was very upset when receiving my call, and every part of me wanted to say no. Satan was certainly there and I wanted to listen to him. I wanted to be angry and storm out of there. It was at that moment I finally felt what I’ve been wanting to feel this whole time. I smiled at him with tears streaming down my face and accepted my call.

I have been called to serve in the Scottsdale Arizona mission for 3 months. I leave in eleven days. I will be a full time missionary and will wear the tag and everything! I am so excited for this opportunity to serve the Lord!

I went out with the sister missionary in my ward today. Her companion went home after a few days in the field. She said she was struggling with anxiety. When I heard that, I was overcome with this peaceful feeling. I then understood why I was called to a “mini mission” first. It all made sense. A mission is hard work. Issues don’t just disappear, as much as we’d like them to. All my worry and frustration about my call left. They’re not doubting my ability to serve. They want to see me succeed, and what better way than a mini mission!

God does not begin by asking our ability, only our availability, and if we prove our dependability, He will increase our capability.


Right before I went into one of our lessons today I turned to the Sister and told her that I had no idea how to do this! She said to follow the spirit, and to testify of Christ. Oh my lanta. The spirit was there. It was so strong. I had a comment to say about everything and anything. The investigator was just so amazing and so sweet. I don’t know if you know this about me, but I wear my emotions on my sleeve. You can tell exactly what I am feeling, all the time. It’s the same when I have something I want to say, but am too chicken to say it. She kept looking at me, I knew she knew I had something to say, but I didn’t. BUT I did say the closing prayer, and pretty much let it all out there. I am ready to serve, and I have never felt more ready before.

It’s not where you serve, it’s how you serve

I have been very blessed in the people in my life. I have felt the love and support from everyone since I started the mission process. There is something in me that others see, and I am trying to get there. I have told myself this quote since I received my call. I wasn’t thrilled to only be serving 30 minutes down the street, But it really doesn’t matter where I serve. The gospel is the same. The love our Savior has for all of us, is the same. 

Heavenly Father has a plan for us. He knows whats best even when we think we do. If it was my way, I’d be serving in Missouri or Illinois at a church history site or something. But I was placed in this mission at this time for a reason. I know that. There is a family that needs me, and there are people that I need. I am so grateful for the people and experiences that have prepared me and helped me to be where I am at today. I am a missionary!!! Okay, almost a real missionary!

By revelation I have been selected as a personal representative of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is my Master and has chosen me to represent Him. To stand in His place. To say and do what He would say and do if He were ministering to the very people to whom He has sent.

Not everyone has the chance to serve a mission, and even if my service ends after the 3 months, I am grateful for the opportunity to wear His name and represent Him.

“The decision to serve a mission will shape the spiritual destiny of the missionary, his or her spouse, and their posterity for generations to come. A desire to serve is a natural outcome of one’s conversion, worthiness, and preparation.”

I know that my Savior lives. He loves me, and He loves you. I know that we have a loving Father in Heaven who is aware of our every need. I know that He has a plan for me. I know that this gospel is the true gospel on the earth today. I am so grateful for the gospel and how it has blessed my life. I know that this earth is a trial period, a time to make mistakes and to gain experience. I know that we are never alone, and are always loved. I know that everything happens for a reason. I know that we have been given trials to make us stronger. I am not saying I love them, because I don’t, but I am grateful for the trials in my life. They have made me into who I am today. I am much more compassionate and understanding to others situations than I would be if I hadn’t gone through what I’ve been through. I know that I am a daughter of God and am loved. I know that the book of mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. I am grateful for the opportunity I have to serve the Lord. The worth of souls is great in the sight of God, and I am so excited to bring others the gospel. I want them to have the joy I feel from being a part of this gospel. I want them to build a foundation on Christ and to trust in him. I know that my call was from Heavenly Father, and He has great plans in store for me! 

May we all be ready and willing to accept the call, whenever and whatever that may be. Here am I. Send me!


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