The best three hours


wordFast Sunday has ALWAYS been my favorite Sunday of the month. For the most part, I love hearing other peoples testimonies! It has always strengthened mine. When I first moved here, I was a young 13 year old girl. I would sit in sacrament and try to convince some other friends of mine that if they went up, I’d go too. I bore my testimony every month!!! So today I sat in my seat with some awesome family. They’re not blood, but that doesn’t mean anything to me. They aren’t just friends, they are family. I sat there and convinced the one that she should go up there. She in turn convinced her Mom, and basically ALL of us went up there at the same time. I’m sure it was amusing to see a whole row get up and go to the stand!

Before I left for church today I prayed that the spirit would be there. That I would be open to feeling the spirit, and that I would bear my testimony. Because I’ve kinda gotten chicken about bearing my testimony in sacrament!! So the meeting started and the spirit started burning. It got to the point that I turned to my friend and she looked at me and we both said “It is so strong, it’s pushing me out of my seat!” And that is exactly what it did! We were up before I even knew it! The spirit was pushing us to the pulpit! I am so glad it did! I got to hear the beautiful testimonies of my sweet family, and I got to share mine with others! Which is always so great!!

The next 2 hours of church were full of the spirit as well. I gave my last lesson in Gospel Principles! I am so grateful for that calling. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father trusted me in that calling. I couldn’t have asked for a better preparation than that class! I felt the spirit every week! I was able to draw closer to my Savior, and learned to rely on Him and the spirit. I LOVE the quote, and probably use it too much, “The Lord doesn’t call the qualified. He qualifies the called!” I have truly felt that. I felt so very inadequate to be this teacher. I knew of at least 5 people who knew more about the gospel, and had served missions that would make a better teacher than I! BUT! The Lord had a plan for me, a plan I didn’t understand. So, I am grateful for accepting the calling when I didn’t really want to. I am so grateful for what this calling has taught me!

Because my farewell is NEXT WEEK (I am still baffled by how fast time flies!) We practiced the song we are going to sing in sacrament. It hadn’t totally dawned on me that I am the first sister missionary to leave from my ward! That is absolutely CRAZY! Especially when other wards in my stake have like 6 missionaries leaving all the same week! I am the first sister in my ward to leave!!! Ahhhhh! 🙂

We are as the Army of Heleman. We have been taught in our youth. And we will be the Lord’s missionaries to bring the World His Truth.

Goosebumps as I type it, and goosebumps while I sang it. People were crying. I’d like to say it’s cause they are going to miss me, but I’m pretty sure it was like 99% the spirit! But hey, I can dream right? 🙂

I love this song. At first I was hesitant, but today when all the Relief society women and Young women sang it, the spirit was strong. It was so strong. It lifted me up. It helped me remember that I am serving a mission, and there is nothing I cannot do when I’m on His errand! I love that! I love that I get to be one of the chosen people to stand in His place and share this gospel! What a wonderful opportunity that I have.

Church has always been my favorite thing. At first it was a social thing, but I say if that’s all it takes to get you to church is seeing friends, then keep doing it! It will not be like that forever, people change, and people move away. As long as you’re there listening to the lessons and participating, the spirit is there testifying to you of the truthfulness the teachers are saying.

I leave in 8 days. I am so overwhelmed with gratitude. I feel blessed to be where I’m at! I feel blessed to be given this chance to serve a mission. It says in my call packet, “People with Haylei’s history are usually excused from service..” So I am lucky! I have a Heavenly Father who trusts me and knows I can do this! He is rooting for me, and I am so grateful I get to be part of his team!

I love you all. I feel like I need to individually name everyone, but there are so many people I don’t know where to begin! Preparing for a mission didn’t start when I started paperwork, and it didn’t start when I submitted my papers. I have been preparing for this since my first day in Primary. And I did not do this alone. What I couldn’t do, Heavenly Father sent friends, teachers, leaders, and family to help. I know that everyone that I have met has been for a reason! And I am so grateful to have learned from so many of you.

I loved today. I was sad to see it end. This gospel is amazing. It really is! The church is pretty great as well. I have made “life long family” in my ward and I am so blessed. Go to church even when you don’t want to. Pray even when you feel ridiculous. Because it is times when you don’t want to, that you need it the most. I testify of that! I’ve been there, and it was a lonely hard road without my Heavenly Fathers help.

He is aware of you, and me. He knows what we need. He knows our struggles and our joy. He loves us. I have learned this, and am so grateful that I know that now. Why didn’t I learn it sooner?! Knowing that I can fully rely on the Lord and that He understands EVERYTHING I feel and go through is beyond amazing! It would have made my high school years MUCH easier.

We never need to feel that we are alone or unloved, because we never are. We can feel the love of God. The Savior has promised angels on our left and right to bear us up.  And He always keeps His word.


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