Coconut Beef!

OLY CANOLI!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a CRAZY week! Get ready! 🙂
Monday 10/20
Pday was crazy! It went by SO fast! I was sad I only had like 2 hours to write everyone. Lame. We had an appointment with the Durrants that night to do a FHE (family home evening) with them. We were going to talk about the Holy Ghost and how important it is to have in our life. We left, walked down to the car and it didn’t light up. Hahaha. Sister Garrett locked the keys in the house. We tried calling the other sisters TWENTY FOUR times and nothing. Finally we walked over to the Senior Couples place and asked them for a ride. Haha. FAIL. But it was SO fun. I LOVE the Durrants. She had a “friends” cup and about peed my pants I was so happy. We did an object lesson. Everyone told me one step to making a pb&j sandwich and I had to do exactly what they said. It went really well, until the Mom. hahaha. She said “put the jelly on the bread and the peanut butter on top.” So we had a glass jar of jelly on the bread and the peanut butter bread on top of the jar. We all laughed forever. haha. Then we did it again with “the help of the holy ghost” and we were able to make the sandwich. I love her little girl Natalie. I call her Frank. She calls me Frank. I miss her.
Tuesday 10/21
We dropped off a care package to our homeless member Janette. She was super grateful! Then we did other stuff but I cant remember. We visited the Mora family, the way she talks and moves around reminds me of Lynn O. So funny! 🙂 So I felt like I was talking to Lynn! 🙂
We went to the Wagon Wheel Ward RS activity. There were 10 people there! Sis Garrett said that was a good turn out! WHAT?! In Surprise we have like 25 and I think its small! Crazy! Definitely not a small town girl! 🙂
We were walking in as my favorite person was walking out and she was like want a soda! HECK YES I DO! She totes brought me a pepsi with OUT ice. Aww delicious. I like her.
We were learning how to make homemade chapstick and deodorant blah blah blah…I rather buy it. Anyway, she was using essential oils and said that this was smelled SO good so she dropped a drop in each of our hands. HOLY BARFAGETTI. Disgusting! My asthma was CRAZY after that cause that smell was everywhere. And The awesome lady, Tenney, and I looked at each other and were like this is the most disgusting smell ever. Then she was telling us how to make it “coconut and beeswax” but someone else was talking, and Im like half deaf, so I thought she said “coconut beef” and Tenney and I just cracked up. hahahah. Guess you had to be there. Coconut and beef, EW!
Moral of the story is, Tenney is awesome and she is my twin! I was sad to say goodbye! 😦
Wednesday 10/22
We did service at the old folks home. It was family day and no ones family came. Sad. So very sad. The Elders were awkward and begged me to come talk to this guy. His name is Clarence. He was sad looking. I asked him all sorts of questions and he just started SOBBING!!!! His whole left side is paralyzed. He had a stroke and has been there for 3 years. HOLY DANG. My heart was just soooooo sad for him. I talked to him the whole time. And Phil. He was adorable. I love old people, but they make my heart so sad. Compassion is a blessing and a curse.
I don’t remember anything else cause I was sad for the rest of the day.
Oh except we taught the Restoration to Sally. It went really well. She is SUPER interested and ready. But Im no longer in that area…DANG IT!
Thursday 10/23
Sister Wheelwright was Emergency transferred up here, so I was in a trio, tripanionship, thrice…anything you wanna call it for like 4 days. She was super nice! 🙂 But then I knew for sure I wasn’t being switched in my apartment and that made me sad. Boo.
We had a zone meeting, and we all had to bear testimony of what we learned this transfer. Being new, I learned EVERYTHING!  So I shared how it doesn’t matter where you serve, it matters how you serve. And I recited the Mission Commission like a BOSS. I love that thing. Such a powerful meeting! Such a fun zone!
We went and did service after with Lori Thompson from church. We helped this old lady clean off her porch. It was super boring, but fun I guess. She had so much stuff that I wanted to keep. She gave us a magic bullet!! BUT Im not living there anymore, so I don’t get to use it. Dang it.
I said goodbye to lori (she wasn’t gonna be at church sunday!) and she stood up, hugged me tight and said I love you! HOLY CANOLI! It was SO nice to hear those words again!!! I miss hearing that! Ah! ❤
We went to Sandra and Joselins and taught the commandments in Spanish. I only know the hand motions, so I didn’t do much. They are so sweet and it was sad saying goodbye! I want them BOTH to be baptized SO bad! She fed us stew and it was SO spicy! Whew!
Then we went to have dinner with Sister Brady. Shes awesome and so sweet. Her son is on a mission and members there send her pictures of him, so she does the same for us! :)We had steak. Finally normal food!!!! And it was my turn for spiritual thought. I bore testimony and shared stories and scriptures about prayer. I shared how we should pray like Heavenly Father is right there, cause He really is. And then something special about a special day when I decided to be a big girl and go to my Dads grave. Rough stuff I tell ya, but amazing. I love prayer!! Sis. Brady was like “You and Tenney are like the same person.” Im telling ya folks, shes awesome. And I am already making plans to come back up and visit in 2016!! 🙂
THEN we had dinner with Pancho. That’s right. 3 dinners in a ROW! We were so stuffed! Ah! He needs to be baptized. I told him he HAS to be baptized in the next 6 weeks so I can go. And He was like “ehhhh maybe.” And I looked at him and said SO seriously, “Pancho, if you decide to get baptized in the next 6 weeks, I will come and I will speak at your baptism in Spanish.” And we shook on it!!! I’ll keep you posted! I might have to learn Spanish! 😦
Friday was weekly planning. We never left the house. At least I don’t remember leaving. Weird.
Saturday we drove down to Mesa. Holy canoli its hot down there. Sorry! 🙂 I don’t miss that at ALL!!!!!
We drove down and walked around the temple while Sis G went to a sealing. This whole not being endowed is annoying. 6 more weeks though! 🙂
I had to tell myself this was NOT the Mesa temple. Being in the valley makes me so homesick. Cause I KNOW if I just walk a little ways, I’ll be at Kapanaks house! Ah! 6 weeks! 🙂
It was a really boring drive and I was super car sick. Blech.
Sunday was my last day in church 😦 BOO. I was so sad to leave. BUT I got some awesome pictures.
I was taking a picture with tenney and she TOTALLY put her leg on me like I do in all my pictures. I love her, in case ya didn’t know. It was hilarious.
Then I said goodbye to the Durrants that night. We’re not allowed to hold kids or pick them up, DUMB, but Frank jumped on my lap for a picture and lets just say I didn’t push her off! I miss my nieces man!!!! I miss babies!!
I said goodbye to Phil. He took us to breakfast Saturday morning. I ordered the “Son of a Biscuit” and it was delicious and hilarious to say. hahahahaha. He was like “Tomorrow when we say goodbye, Im gonna cry!” Aw Phil! Tears man! The tears were real! I love him!
Monday was…I don’t really remember Monday. Sorry.
Tuesday was TRANSFER day! I was SO excited to leave. Seriously so ready to leave. I loved Sis G but 6 weeks of being together 24/7 makes you CRAZY! There were no tears, just awkward hugs goodbye. Ah!
That morning though I sat in the closet with Sis. taylor and we just vented. Sis G is maybe not so nice to her, and that makes me sad. So many missionaries are like “act dignified” “Don’t have fun” and its like WE were called for a reason. Someone here needs our personality! If I had been “dignified” I wouldn’t have met the amazing people I did, or grown to love them! Ah so we talked and vented and vented and talked! We both were praying we would be companions but we aren’t! BUT im gonna write her! I love her!
Its especially rough when companions aren’t sympathetic or even caring at all. Sis Taylors only progressing investigator died last week and she was just crying!! It was so sad, cause she was SO heartbroken. She really grew to love this lady! Ah!
Oh by the way, I Miss brother Brown. Okay, that’s all 😦
I love it here in Taylor. I cover 1,5,6 ward! WE HAVE A CAR!! Its a brand new 2015 Ford Fusion and it still smells like new car! 🙂 They JUST got it too! Friday they were on bikes! haha! Whew!!!
I love it here. I love SIster Flake.
I ate Elk meat for the first time. Shame on you for all that eat it, its DISGUSTING. Blech. We are both still sick from it. I’m gonna stick to my nutella and whatnot. Weirdies.
I love it here. I am getting a new call in 4 weeks guys!!!THATS CRAZY!!!! Where has the time gone?!?!
I love you! You love me. I miss you. You miss me. I think about you all the time. You should be thinking about me all the time!!
Oh and awesome sauce ness.. I have my own closet and its HUGE!!! Okay that’s all 🙂

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