A dog pantsed me last night…

Its transfer week!!! I wont be staying with Sister Garrett and I am beyond bummed, but it says specifically in my call 2 transfers. Boo!

Last Monday we went to St Johns and had a sister conference at President Platts house. We had lessons on Courage, and personal strength. Then we were all asked to bear our testimony after. The spirit was so strong!!! We talked about how courage is the base of all virtues, how courage is everything. I LOVE courage! It has helped me through my darkest days! Love it!!!
Afterward I was talking to Sister Platt, and she asked where I was from. haha the Surprise joke never gets old apparently! She is such a sweet lady though!! SO she was telling me that she has lived here in St Johns all her life so I asked if she knew the Wilhelms AND SHE DID!!!! I was like “Oh my gosh!! Diane and Kathi are like my favorite people!” SO she says hi and she loves you ❤ 🙂
Monday because of the conference PDAY hours were split until Wednesday. SO I got two pdays last week. Booya.
Monday night I went on exchanges. I had to go to the reservation and I was SO nervous. I dont really like staying the night other places, so I was so nervous. I prayed like all day for the strength to get through it! Ah man! It wasnt too shabby though. The elders lives right next door, and they are pretty hilarious.
The apache reservation is funny. Their names are like “Little Tokyo” “China town” “Smurf Village” haha. And the people are interesting. Horses roam free there, so that was crazy. We walked up to a house and a horse was just chilling eating lunch in their front yard. The dogs though were sad. Super skinny and dying. And I saw like 5 dead dogs on the side of the road. Terrible. I found a leaf the size of my face and took it with me.
We practiced the Plan of Salvation, and now I am able to teach it in a powerful way, but in like 5 minutes. Sister Sweeney told us to skip the Adam and Eve part, cause its not important! Thank goodness! I would get so lost for words in that part! yay!!!
Sister Evans was my companion tuesday and she was more fantastic than I gave her credit for. We laughed and talked about how some leaders we still cant call by their first names!! See! Im not alone in this!!! haha. This is why Sister Kapanak will ALWAYS be Sister, and nothing else 🙂
President Sweeney said to me, “Half way through next transfer I will talk with you and your companions, and then send it in to Salt Lake. And it will get here within 2 weeks, and you’ll be able to open it and video it here!” YAY! Thats only 6 weeks away folks! I AM SO EXCITED!!
Tuesday night I came back home and I loved seeing my companion! Do I have to leave? lame.
Haha. So wednesday during 12 weeks (a training for newbies like me) we were SO over it. It is the same reading stuff everyday. I hate it. Anyway, I started reading really fast cause I was bored. And it sounded kinda like I was a ride announcer. So Sis. G sat up and was like, “ooh this sounds like a game show.” hahaha We totally made it into a game show. She would pop quiz me and if I got it right I would “win” a prize. I won like 5 humpback whales. The gameshow was called “Bamboozled” just like in Friends. haha and there were “wicked wango” cards. I realize how dumb this sounds now, but know that we laughed SO hard!! hahaha We made matching shirts, hopefully I’ll be able to send a picture. I actually got more out of this lesson than any before. hahaha.
Thursday was interviews. My interview lasted a whole minute and a half. Lame. But we were waiting for our interview for 8 hours. Holy crap. And we had to wait at the church. What a waste of a day! LAME. Anyway, this is how it went down.
I walked in and saw with President. He said to me, “I am SO impressed with you. And if there is anything I can say to keep you here, I would. But I know you are needed somewhere else.” I might be staying in the same apartment and switching to Sister Taylor but we dont know for sure. I dont wanna leave Show Low EVER! Wah!
I get to be on fb now! Not a whole lot, but still! 🙂 It was so good to be on the other day. I miss you guys.
We had an ice cream party with Sandra and Joselin! She finished her reading chart! Then we watched the Testaments, in Spanish. I think its safe to say I had no idea what was going on the whole hour and a half. Woot woot.
We had dinner with Phil. We all sat at the table and cried while he told us all of his siblings except one has died. Oh man. So I shared with him one of my favorite scriptures in D&C 24:8.  Read it. I love it. I love that man so much. Im totally hugging him this week before I leave!!!!
Saturday morning we chopped wood! I almost chopped my leg off the first time, but eventually I got the hang of it. My hands hurt so bad it was SO hard to shake hands with people at church! haha. The struggle is real! But it was SO fun!! Hidden talent, who knew!!
Sunday is my FAVORITE day of the week! I was super nervous how church would be without all my favorite peeps, but I love the people!!! RS we talked about loving others, no matter what. Something I’m not perfect at, but learning. So I shared how I’ve grown to love others no matter what, and how I love them with my whole heart..blah blah blah..and I was like “And I love this ward! You are all so fantastic!!! And I am sad to leave! But..” and I got a collective sad “awwwwww” hahaha. I feel the love from this ward and I never want to leave. They totally AREN’T clique-ish and its so nice!! But I am so sad.
We have FHE with the Durrants tonight. I love them. Ah!
Last night we had dinner with the Thompsons. His mom died just 4 weeks ago today. She shared something about her mil in RS about how selfless she was. I normally share my favorite scripture when I have to do message, but it was SO different. The spirit was telling me to share “Charity” in Moroni. SO I read it, shared how charity and service has blessed my life, and then told her I loved her comment about her mil today. Oh my gosh 😦 He started crying,and not just a little cry, a full on sob. So then of course I AM SOBBING. We all sat on the couch and cried. So then the spirit prompted me to share another story, about the balloons on my Dads birthday 3 years ago. He is setting off balloons for her today. Before I left, she said so sincerely, “thank you so much for that message.” Ah the tears!!
We taught Joe and Joyce the Gospel of Jesus Christ only using the scriptures. It wasn’t too shabby. I indirectly invited him to be baptized hahaha.
I was supposed to go go the phoenix temple open house tomorrow but we cant find anyone to take. I might go Saturday while Sister Garrett is at the Mesa Temple for a sealing. not sure yet.
I find out where I am going Saturday night! Dont send mail to my show low address after thursday! k? 🙂
With next week being transfers, pday wont be until Wednesday! 🙂
We had a photo shoot with all the changing leaves today. It was SO fun. I love it here. Do I have to leave?
I love you. Thank you for your prayers. I feel so loved and so strengthened. I love this gospel! And I feel so honored to be a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ!!! 🙂
Oh and my title? A dog totally jumped on me and pantsed me. Pulled my skirt straight down. Thank heavens for biking shorts or that could have been awkward. My companion got a good giggle out of it! hahaha
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