The one with all the hooplah!!

monday 11/24

PDAY. Got the text from President that my call was at the mission office. I jumped and leaped for joy in Dollar Tree! hahah!! I was SO excited!!!
We spent the rest of the day shopping and making a candy card for Katy’s birthday. I’ll show you a picture of it, its SO clever. GO ME! 🙂
We went to the Willis family to make oreo truffles. I think I’ve had about a 1001 oreo truffles. its an addiction. I LOVE them SO much though! Their kids are adorable and I asked Emry if I could keep her and she was like, “yeah. Put me in your pocket!” AH! 🙂
We went to the Hatch’s for dinner and decorating! I love them! Sister Hatch is taking me to the valley this Saturday, so sweet. AND she made my favorite meal, PASTA! THEN we helped her decorate. This ladys tree is 15ft tall. Its HUGE. Kinda like the one you see in the mall! It is SO pretty! AND we listened to Michael Bubles christmas album. (We couldnt tell them NOT to play it cause thats rude hahaha. Call me disobedient but whatevs!) We cried as we hung was sad. I miss the traditions we have. AH!
AFTER THAT it was AWESOME. Get ready for this.
We went to Mel and Katys and blindfolded Mel. We stuffed him in the car, and made Katy drive. Our plan was to go to the Snowflake temple, MEL is such a cheater. We told Katy to drive crazy so he wouldnt know where we were going, and he still knew! He was like, “If we hit a bump we’re on…oh yep we are on 3rd Avenue” or whatever it was. He knew where we were cause of the bumpiness of the road. katy and I laughed our pants off in the front seat. Mel was like, still blindfolded, “can I get some food? If you’re gonna kidnap me you gotta at least give me something to eat. Im cold. Can I get a blanket?” hahaha. We sat at the pond in front of the temple. The Nativity was out and SO bright! I sat by Katy, and Sis Flake played Nearer my God to Thee, Be still my soul, and I feel my Saviors love, on the guitar and sang to him. It was 19 out, and we were all freezing and chattering. Our butts were freezing cause of the bench haha. We sat and listened, and then took his blindfold off and walked away. Katy sat there and bore testimony to him of temples, and everything else. They walked over a few minutes later and we all left. The whole ride home he was like, “that was beautiful. Its nice you have a temple. I love the feeling there.” AH! GET BAPTIZED MEL! ❤
We ran home and were just so filled with the spirit. I love them SO much!
Tuesday 11/25
We had Zone conference in Payson from 12-5. So we get there and we are sitting waiting for President to come. Finally he comes, and we all sit down. Its about 1 now. He shakes our hands, comes up to me and is like “WAIT.” Walks away and comes back WITH MY CALL IN HIS HANDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my lanta! I was SO excited. It stared at me for 7 hours though. The back was ripped and picked at by the time we got home. Oh my GOSH! He made everyone guess where I was going, and only Sister Kapanak got it right! NO ONE ELSE guessed Mississippi! 🙂 CRAZY!
So that night the Beecrofts changed their work schedule so we could open it over there. I told them we could do it elsewhere but they insisted! I love them! 🙂
SOOOO. The Chee’s, Hatch’s, Farr’s and the Elders all sat on the couch. If you havent already, watch the video. I am a COMPLETE nut hahahaa. I was going crazy. It was NOT what I expected. but I had a dream back in july that I was going to Louisiana and BAM! That is part of my mission! We allcheered and screamed and cried. hahaa. It was so funny CAUSE, Sis B is like smiling, Katy is crying and wiping her eyes, Mel has a grin from ear to ear, and Sis Flake has her jaw on the floor. It was awesome. I am so grateful I got to be around some friends for this! 🙂 Cause President wanted to open it at Zone COnference with all the other missionaries but I was like, “Yeah no. I dont know you,therefore I dont care if you know where Im going!” hahaha.
Wednesday 11/26
Here is where the week starts getting TERRIBLE! AH!
I went on exchanges in Eager. Our Payson sisters got Emergency transferred down to the valley cause they were being disobedient. SO i had to go withthe ones in Eager. The one is okay, but the other I cannot stand. At all. Every fiber of my being. Shes like ugly troll kinda! UGH! ANyways. So I put on my fake face and left. It was boring. we exchanged from 2 Wed to 10 Thursday morning. it was pointless but whatevs. SO now I’m already ticked cause I have to exchange for no reason. UGh. The end of wednesday.
Thursday 11/27
Thanksgiving! It was really hard. We cried at our first dinner. It was sad being away from home. I miss kickball and the tablecloth and Aunt Kristy’s gravy. Ah! So we had dinner with the Farrs at 11, and then had another dinner with Travis and Mari at 2. I was SO full after 2 bites. I had to go home and change into a bigger shirt so I didnt have to suck it in. OH AND Sis Kapanak sent me a package! YAY! 🙂 SO thanks yo! I LOVE the hat and totally wore it on thanksgiving!
SO dinner from 2-7. We stayed too long. Ugh. they played some weird brain games, and I suck at those…so I sat awkwardly on the couch. It was like, “simple velveeta” and they would guess what I mean in a rhyming way. The answer would be “easy cheesy” so HARD! hahaha. Yeah weird. And that was that. I think we went home after that. I was so tired and SO full. I felt like a busted can of biscuits! hahaaha.
Friday 11/28 and Saturday 11/29
Weekly Planning! We didnt leave the house until 4 and I was going crazy. All 4 of us sisters were like dying of the previous days festivities. UGH> SO ALLTHE FAT!
We went to meet Jeff at the park at 4. He wasnt there. He is ALWAYS there. And he didnt call or text. He’s a recent convert with a drinking problem…… 😦
We went to his house and he didnt answer. SO we went across the street, I saw beer cans on the porch and thought he was dead, and got Vivian and she came in and was like, “Jeff. The sisters are here. They’ve already seen all your beer.” hahaha.. He was SO drunk. Oh my lanta. He drank a 24 pack that day! UGH> Flake just cried, and I was like bold in a loving way. I was like, “Im mad at you because I know you can do better. You’re trying to go to thetemple, and each beer you drink takes you 1 step backwards. You just took 24 steps back!” He can take it, so I didnt feel bad. Flake was like, “its okay we love you.” NO its not okay! UGH!
We had dinner with Mel and Katy. Did I mention I love them? I told Mel he says “And stuff like that” all the time. He’s been catching himself haha. He says it like 15 times in one sentance, its HILARIOUS. BUT two can play at that game, he called me out on what I say a lot lol. Apparently I have picked up “oh my gosh” a lot on my mission. We laughed everytime we said one of those words hahahaa.
Katy bought a new camera so I stole it and started taking pictures. I love pictures. hahahaa. Mel is like a pro at everything so he took our pictures too. SO fun. We sat around and Flake played guitar and sang hymns. Then Mel would play guitar and sing Johnny Cash haahaha. It sounds like we waste time over here, but we dont. Promise. hahaha. It all has a purpose. 🙂
We came back home and Flake had told me that the two sisters next door were also being emergancy transferred. My heart dropped into my stomach. Their area is being white washed (brand new sisters) AH! BUT they ddint know yet! So I went over to hang out for the last time, and had to pretend like nothing was wrong! HELLO! I WEAR MY EMOTIONS ON MY FACE! Ah! We seriously laughed for forever. Sis C quotes friends ALL the time hahaha. So we laughed about that. Sis J had the most loudest hilarious laugh ever, I love them SO much. THEN the evil witches in payson came. I really dont love them. They think cause they are Sister training leaders they are higher than us. Seriously the whole “holier than thou” vibe. They came. Kicked us out. Called President, Sis C sat and bawled and so did Sis j. And they said it in the most insincere unsympathetic way ever that they were being ET’d and leaving tomorrow morning. Ah. Flake cried all night, they did too. The evil people had to come sleep in our apartment, EW. And it made me uncomfortable to sleep in my own home. UGH. And Sis C & J packed all night until like 2. Ah SO sad. Then they left in the morning to start saying goodbye. The Eager sisters were SO rude and mean and judgemental. UGH. AND during companion study THEY STUDIED WITH US. Ew get out. ugh! Sis Flake even was like I want them to leave! AH! So I was annoyed..SO annoyed and acted like it. Which is bad, but they are SO rude and dont need to be. SO HA. I was rude back hahahaha. No not really, I was just really snippy and short with them. UGH.
SO. We sat and talked to Sis C and J. Sis C sobbed the entire morning. Oh my gosh it was so sad. 😦 We threw the football like they do in friends like a good hour or so. Finally president came and took them. I hated saying goodbye! 😦 I love them! We are like best buds-ish! 😦
Lesson learned, DONT EVER AGREE TO BE A SISTER TRAINING LEADER! ugh! Or just dont be like these ones.
So after we said goodbye we dashed to Show Low. Joe Yoeman, my 80 yr old investigator got baptized! It was SO nice to see my peeps from Wagon Wheel ward! Joe and his wife took a picture with the 4 sisters that taught them and they were like, “Its our daughters!” ah! 🙂 He is SO sassy too. I love him! I said the opening prayer. (Ive worked on my fears of prayers!) And the baptism part was funny. An old man baptizing and old man…haahhaha they had to restart a bunch of times. hahahaha. MY FIRST BAPTISM ON THE MISSION GUYS! :)) YAY!
We got free food at DQ and raced back. THEN we had another lesson with Mel and Katy.
OH AND BTW. We stopped by Alfonso. He is doing okay. Thats all.
Back to Mel and Katy.
We decorated the tree. Katy’s mom passed away a year ago yesterday and so we talked about that for awhile. She is so strong. I just wanna hug her allthe time! Ah! But anyways. We decorated, and Mel was sassy. hahaah. Everytime I cracked up he would put his head down and laugh hahahaha. SO FUNNY. We saw a picture of Mel in his yearbook from high school. He snatched it from us. He tells us he is 29 hahaha. Little down he know we really know how old he is! hahahahaha. 🙂
Sunday 11/30
My last Sunday in taylor! 😦 Everyone was so happy for my new call though! Sis Hatch, (another one, the bishops wife in 6th ward) came up and was like, “I found you on instagram. read your blog. how about you DONT leave?!” hahaha. Love her! 🙂 We are going to her house tonight. This week is full of goodbyes! 😦
Then in 1 ward Flake and Courtney Hatch sang in sacrament. I doodled during the entire hour and got blue pen all over me. Thats what I get. Then we didthe whole church scene. 9 hours of church is a lot. We had dinner with Travis and Mari. It was yummy. Oh yeah we have bugs somewhere that keep biting us. Not bed bugs thank goodness, I think fleas. EW . I hate animals. Ugh.
We had a lesson with Mel again last night. The spirit was so strong AGAIN! We talked about temples, our potential, what he thinks he has to change to get baptized and the plan of salvation. I challenged all of us to write down 5 things we have had to change/overcome in this last year. SO you should dothe same . I wrote my 5 already, and we are sharing them tonight. I love them. I told Mel he loves me cause of his giant grin when I opened my call. 🙂 ❤ He loves me! I wanna say he’s like a Dad to me, but thats not fair to my Dad. But read between the lines if you will…
Anyways. It went awesome. Katy cried and put me in the prayer. I am gonna miss them SO much.
I come home December 6 at 4 ish. I will be released that night. I will be going to KP that Sunday. December 13 at Gilbert temple at 5:30 I am going through the temple! IF you get this email I want you to come 🙂 Cause I love you and stuff like that 🙂
I am sad and excited! 🙂 My mission covers Louisiana Mississippi Arkansas and texas! I leave for the mtc on the 17th! CRAZY fast!
I CANT WAIT TO SEE YOUR FACE!mission 453 mission 455 mission 459 mission 460 mission 461 mission 462 mission 463 mission 464 mission 465 mission 467 mission 505 mission 508 mission 510 mission 507 mission 509 mission 511 mission 513 mission 515 mission 517 mission 519 mission 512 mission 514 mission 516 mission 518 mission 520

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