They call me Sister Hercules!

WHAT A WEEK!!!! I have 3 weeks left guys! THREE WEEKS LEFT!!!! I’ll be home December 8th and will probably be leaving 10 days later for the MTC. Don’t get schedule anything, ya’ll are coming to my temple date!!! 🙂 WOOT WOOT!
Monday 11/10
We literally laid around and wrote letters and it was GLORIOUS! I don’t wanna do anything else on pday except write! Ah!!!
Tuesday 11/11
We had a Mission tour. Elder Lawrence of the Quorum of the Seventy and his wife came and spoke to us. SHE BLEW OUR MINDS! Oh my lanta. She talked about the house of Israel and how WE as members of the church are of the house of Israel. How we are the other sheep that Christ talks about in the scriptures, not the gentiles! it was awesome. And then she talked about how a patriarchal blessing is your pass, or your right to preach the gospel. I will be copying them and sending them to some peeps! It was AMAZING! And the War in heaven how we won because of our testimonies. Oh man. this paragraph doesn’t do it justice! It was SO awesome!
THEN came the bad news. We can only listen to MOTAB from now on 😦 I am bummed, but its been good so far. But still, I miss my Whitney Houston and Prince of Egypt soundtrack! Ah!
Halfway through the meeting my stomach was like, “I hate you go die” and it hurt SO bad. I thought the sickness went away, it did not. So I cried and cried to my mission presidents wife cause I didn’t know what to do. it was sad. So I am all stocked up on medicine now. ALL kinds!!! AND I went ahead and bought myself a cute Show Low shirt to lift my spirits haha.
Tuesday night we were going to Travis and Mari’s. He is a recent convert, she is a member just hasn’t been active. We went over there and as we were walking up this lady was like, “HEY! You look like the 19 kids and counting girls!” We talked with her and she was like, “So can you come tomorrow? Im having a hard time and need people to talk to!” So we hugged her, prayed with her, and gave her a book of Mormon! We have yet to meet with her again cause of her work schedule, but it sounds like her husband abuses her. So we cant go when he will know we have come cause he will hurt her! SO SAD! Pray for Zandra!
We have seen mel EVERYDAY this week. MEL! Ugh. He wont get baptized even though he has been investigating for 25 years!! His wife and kids are endowed and AH! Mel! We don’t know what to do. But we keep showing up, we aren’t letting him slip! ugh.
Wednesday 11/12
We went and helped travis and mari unpack. We were SUPER bored so we played the whip cream game. You put a little squirt of whip cream on your bottom wrist and hit your forearm with your other arm and it pops in the air andyou have to catch it with your mouth. HAHAHAHHAHAHA. I wish we had video of it. Travis and Mari didn’t play, they just watched us. I hit it and it smacked into my nose. I smelled sour milk for like 3 days. reminded me of Melanie Wellmans talk at girls camp! The parable of the cow? Milk? Anyone? Sister Cowden? haha. Anywho. And Flake hit hers so hard it stuck to the light on the ceiling. hahahha. It plopped down a good 2 minutes after. We were rolling on the floor laughing hysterically. OH MAN> DO it! It will change your life! 🙂 hahaha
Wednesday afternoon we chopped wood with Mel! He is a beast. Oh my gosh!!! It was so fun! We chopped for an hour and a half and just joked with him and had fun! I have found a new talent in chopping wood! After him we ran late to dinner in hobo clothes and then went and changed for our lesson with the Hatches. I LOVE THE HATCHES! She tags me in photos on fb, I love them!
We did a role play activity to show the kids that missionaries mess up and aren’t perfect!
So we taught the Plan of Salvation and I giggled the whole time. THEN Flake pretended she was an investigator, Norma, and Courtney (12 year old daughter) came and sat by me and was my companion. We ROCKED it. She did SO good. When in doubt, bear testimony!!! you cant go wrong with testimony. AND DANG I’m gonna be an awesome trainer! It made me miss the YW back home though! Ah!
Anyways, it was SO good. And they’re coming to when I open my new call! 🙂 YAY!
We stopped by Alfonsos after. APPARENTLY this cheater smokes and drinks! AH! We had no idea! His daughter doesn’t even know! UGH! And he feels like he cant be forgiven for the things he has done. So hard! Cause you CAN! Its a free gift to ALL of us to repent and be forgiven! Satan has such a big hold on him though in that area. Satan doesn’t want us to be happy and its annoying! UGH! So anyway Alfonso is a single male so we couldn’t go inside so we were FREEZING outside and trying to get as close to the door as we could to warm up and his fire went out and he was like “Ok gotta chop wood!” and he was like “Ill chop a little now and some more at 2 am!” WHAT! Yeah we were like no way jose. SO in our skirts and flats at 9:30 at night we chopped his wood. (His spine is like broke and has bars so he can only do a little at a time!) so we chopped. And it was freezing but so fun! He was so impressed with us! Women power!!!!
Thursday 11/13
Mels wife Katy bought us a water filter. CLEAN WATER IS SO YUMMY!!!!
Mel is teaching us Navajo. hahaha. Ginny is black and Bigashi is Cow. hahaha. So then I was like, “why is the red man red?” and he laughed at me. NAME IT!
Katy invited herself to my temple endowment, YAY! I love her! I cant wait for you guys to meet my peeps and vice versa!
Our Stake President owns a car wash so he gave us free tokens. YAY! No more spending money on cleaning a car! And his daughters name is Haylee. And that’s awesome cause that’s the coolest name ever!
We stopped by the Tupes (old couple) and they CHATTED FOR TWO HOURS! WE WERE SO TIRED!!! Ah! Crazy. They have a 3 story house and I want it. He laughed at us when we offered to chop wood. Rude!
AND Katy fixed my blanket that I ripped! yay! 🙂
Friday 11/14
We started to weekly plan, but instead we went and chopped wood AGAIN!!!!! This time for 4 hours. We chopped and stacked. It was FREEZING outside. Probably 30 ish and I only have a nice sweatshirt so I didn’t wanna ruin it. Safe to say I was dying!!! AH! And they fed us lunch. I wanted to barf and they were all like (you have to eat it to be polite blah blah blah) so I picked at it for a while and finally the Sister was like, “Sister Craig you don’t like it. That’s okay. What can I get for you? its okay to be picky, its safe that way!” BOOYA! The lameos who lied had to eat it and suffer and I was honest and didn’t have to. HAHA! Super nice lady. She tagged us in the wood photo on fb. SO fun!
After that we went to dinner and then the Sherwoods. her son in 7 and they are members. She just wants him to have the lessons before he is baptized next year. SUPER sweet, super nice. I love them. AND THEN!!!!!!!! THEN I GOT A TEXT FROM PRESIDENT SWEENEY THAT SAID SISTER CRAIG CAN BE EVALUATED! I screamed and jumped for joy and was SO happy. I get to fill out an evaluation form for myself in a few shakes! 🙂 WOOT WOOT! I SAY NEW YORK! 🙂
Saturday 11/15
We chopped ALL Alfonsos wood Saturday. The Elders came and helped. We had ZERO energy. It was so bad, but we did it!
THEN we did more service. A farm. Ew. I hate animals. Luckily it was windy and we were dealing with dirt, so I stood off to the side. Dirt and my asthma? Yeah right! I don’t wanna die!!!Animals are gross.
Saturday night we went to the game with Mel and Katy!!!!! The football game was SO GOOD!!!! We dignified-ly cheered on Snow flake!!! haha. It was FREEZING! And my jacket is ruined, so I wrapped up in a blanket! YAy! I love them. SO MUCH! Mel just needs to be baptized already! UGH!
Earlier in the week we ding dong ditched Mel and Katy with cookies. I am now Sister Cinderella cause my shoe fell off, it was cold, there was rocks and I debated leaving it, then I came back haha! rough stuff.
Sunday 11/16
I was super tired and not wanting to get out of bed AND THEN I remembered the forecast. I LEAPED out of bed, in shorts and a shirt and fuzzy socks, and threw open the door and THERE WAS SNOW EVERYWHERE!!!! I ran out and made a snow man. he is only like a foot tall, but still!!! And I played in it, and it was SO COLD! Then I made another snowman and put him in our freezer. Go me. Be jealous.
I went to the first temple dedication. I scanned the audience for any of your guys. No luck dang it all. I so wish I was there! I waited 5 years for this temple! 😦 Boo!
After church we were gonna weekly plan, but our toilet had an accident and overflowed for a good 10 minutes. We flooded our bathroom! 😦 It was so awkward. Ah. I wont say anymore about this one.
We had lunch with our Stake President and his family. SO CUTE! Love them!
THEN we had a lesson with Alfonso about repentance. We did the water, pepper, dawn soap thing to get rid of sin! Ah! He had teary eyes! I hope he knows he can be forgiven.
As we were leaving church Courtney Hatch was like ‘HI SISTERS!” as they drove by. I felt like a rockstar!!!!!
I love you all. I miss you all! I am so excited to come home and see you! I’ll have to shop, so clear your schedules! 😉 I will be released during that time so YAY I get to listen to the radio!!! Ah!!!

I love you. Remember who you are! And enjoy these pictures!mission 389 mission 390 mission 391 mission 392 mission 393 mission 394 mission 395 mission 396 mission 397 mission 398 mission 382mel

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