They dont know that we know they know we know they know!!!

My call comes hopefully today, but I’ll open it tomorrow!

Last Friday morning we were weekly planning, we HATE weekly planning, and we were trying not to do it for so long. We cleaned, we snacked, we bugged the other was wonderful! While we were bugging them we missed a text from President saying, “Please call. I have news!” WHAT! My heart seriously was beating SO fast. This was it!!! SO i called him and he was like, “Sister Craig, I want you to know that you have been approved for a new mission call!” WHAT! His voice is kinda monotone so I couldn’t tel if it was good or bad. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I got approved!! WHAT!? I was so excited. We seriously screamed and jumped for joy and all that jazz and he was like, “Call me when you’re done being excited!” hahaha. So I screamed some more and finally called him back. He said I leave Dec 17 for the MTC. Which means I’ll be in over Christmas! Bummerish, but whatevs. He also said I can pick when I want to come home! SO I’ve decided to come home the 6th (saturday) to get released and then have a full week to shop and prepare and say goodbye, again! I got to call mom and tell her and she was super excited! I am so excited that I get to go! MY MISSION CALL WAS IN THE MAIL FRIDAY! SO it better be at the office today. I am trying not to get my hopes up like last time, but dang! I AM SO EXCITED!!! After I found out I immediately called Katy! Since I couldn’t call any of you like before, I called my favorite lady in Taylor.a She was so excited for me, I love her!
Monday 11/18
I dont remember. Sorry.
Tuesday 11/19
Zone training in Heber!
We baked a cake for Elder Carters training. It was funfetti, which is the BEST, and iced it with hot pink icing. So we made the cake Monday night and wejust kept staring at it, we wanted to eat it. So I was laying on the couch and I was like, “I saw in the Cosby show once….Bill wanted a piece of the cake that his wife had made. So when no one was around he went and cut a hole out of the middle, and took it out, then stuffed it with papertowels and iced the top….” and I gave her that look….hahaha. She was like, “so do you wanna do it!” AND WE DID!!!!!!! hahahaha. We cut a giant rectangle out of the middle, stuffed it with papertowels and a light up ring and iced it. HAHAHAHA. It was hilarious. They didnt appreciate it, but we did. SO Funny.
So that was our tuesday. Mel was out of town all week so we didnt get to teach him dang it jim!
BUT we did teach the Hatches.I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! She is actually driving me down to the valley on the 6th. AH!
So they have teenagers and a 9 year old. They have asked us to teach them the lessons cause their daughter is serving in Australia. SO they have been super quiet and awkward and not participating. SO we decided to play Freeze. IT WENT SO WELL! We role played an investigator and a missionary, and you had to teach them whatever you wanted. You had to yell freeze, and then go tag out who you want and then change the scenario. They did SO good. Courtney (12) LOVES missionaries and was always playing. I played the missionary part and pretended I was talking to a less active who has 11 kids, one whose name is Billy Joel. We all laughed so hard. But they learned that its SO hard sometimes to come up with questions to ask and things to say. Theyloved it, we loved it, I never wanted to leave!!! 🙂 We are going over tonight to help them decorate for christmas! SO EXCITED!
Wednesday 11/20
There is a town hoe here in Taylor. Her name is Lisa. hahahaha. Jeff is a recent convert of 7 months and is seriously tempted with her. When I got herewe told him to delete her number, FINALLY he did. I promised him a cheesecake if he did, so we had cheesecake Wednesday night! We bought cherries and fudge from sonic for him and went and celebrated! YAY! AND we had navajo tacos by a real navajo. Scrumptious to say the least. SO good. SO fun. Then Flake played the guitar and sang to Jeff. He cried. So sweet. I love the people here!!!
OH we had elk again. I’ve decided its not my favorite. I smelled it when I walked into their house, gross!!!!! So never again, I dont love it. AND I asked for a referral from this member and she gave us 3! GO ME! 🙂
Thursday 11/21
I messed up on the dates, again…DONT CARE! 🙂
We went and visited Diana Baum. A less active, SO SWEET THOUGH! She has a 1 year old and a 3month old baby girl. I LOVE THEM! I want to hold them SO bad, but I cant. So I hug her while she is holding the baby. I miss babies! Ah!
She invited us to the play “Annie” so we got permission to go. WHAT! It was SO good. Miss Hannigan was spot on, we had to leave early so I missed my favorite songs, but thats okay. It was so good to show her she is loved, no matter what. She wants to go through the temple, so we are working on that. Idont wanna leave.
So tonight was the night with Mel.
It was SO awesome. we got there at 8 and didnt leave till 10. Curfew is 9:30! AH! It was so good.
We talked about being sealed as a family, and how important that is. The blessings that come from it (Flake talked about that) and what it feels like to not have a sealed family, I talked about that. We ALL cried, even mel! The spirit was SO strong. I seriously felt it burn in my chest, and then go out, and then burn again. it was AWESOME. I shared how my Dad wasnt a member, and I’ll never be sealed to him and how much it SUCKS (obviously in a more spiritual way!) and I think it really hit him. He told us how scared he is of change! And Kapanak emailed me today and it was PERFECT! So I’ll talk to him about that she said. He knows he needs to be a member! And poor Katy wants it SO bad for him. I love them SO much. they love me. Everytime I talk he is like, “Once you open your mouth its so powerful and you always know what to say!” that is the spirit my friend! Everytime it got quiet he would crack a joke…Men! hahahaha. IT WAS SO GOOD!
They bought us MOTAB cd’s. I love them.
Friday 11/22
THE DAY I GOT APPROVED! I seriously cannot even describe how excited I was and am!!!
I dont remember much of that day either. We weekly planned and told everyone my good news! We had dinner with the Willis family. I LOVE them. Oh my lanta, their kids are beautiful and I want to keep them. We were talking about the weird food we get served here, and oreo truffles. Oh yeah, I made oreo truffles. They were delicous. And we are going to her house in an hour to make 5000 of them. So excited. Anywho. She is SUCH a selfless person! She asked us for anyone she can do anything for, she saw Flakes coat and the next day gave her a new one. She is awesome. Oh I love her. Why am I leaving!?!? 😦
Saturday 11/23
We were out on time, and we actually got to see a lot of people! It was nice to be busy! We had 3 recent convert/less actives and 3 contacts (people wedont know!)
We were outside the apartments and this guy, James, was standing outside. So we went over and were like, “Hey dude whats up!” And he chatted with us, he wasnt interested in our gospel but thats okay. We told him we would bring him cookies and he sounded excited haha. Nice guy. I asked him for referrals too, GO ME!
THEN we went and visited Rene. We knocked and her mom said to come in, so we stepped inside. The mom was sitting playing with the baby on the ground and Flake was like, “Hi how are you?” She IGNORED us. Flat out ignored us. So Flake answered for her, “Good? Thats good. Im doing great!” haha so I laughed. Then Flake was like, “And whats your name?” hahahaha She ignored us again! hahahaha. Flake was like, “Oh thats a pretty name, Im sister Flake!’ haha for 6 minutes she ignored us, it was hilarious. We talked to Rene and then left. Rude people!
THEN we went to try and contact Sharon and “friend”, “friend” is gay. So I knocked on the door and this grumpy guy answered through the screen and was like, “what do you want.” so I was like “is sharon home?” him, in a rude way, “No.” “Do you know when she will be?” “No.” Flake, “well have you…” and I cut her off and was like all snarky, “Well thats cool. So tell her we stopped by and have a great day.” hahah he was SO rude!!!! And I was done with him. AH! PEOPLE! Missionaries are still people!!!!!
We went to the Beecrofts saturday night to correlate. Told them about my call and they were like, “we had to work tuesday night but we are cancelling cause we want you to open it here!” haha LOVE them! AND they are coming to my endowment! 🙂
Sunday 11/23 hahaha oops.
We had a letter read to us from the Stake about Apostasy. We actually stopped by someones house who is apostasizing, and we pretended like we didntknow haha. Anyways. It was sad. They said “good people with high standards are falling into this….” and it made me think of the peeps in surprise. Like what if President Rolfe was doing this, ya know? People you wouldntexpect, are doing it. Its sad.
SO my people reading this, DONT DO IT! Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith! DONT let Satan win. Dont let him in. Dont ask for proof! YOUDONT NEED IT! I was reading the story of Korihor today in Alma. OH MY LANTA. Reading it almost made me question it. Meaning, he was so smart and cunning. He knew what to say to trick people, and it was GOOD stuff. Dont let people do that to you. Its everywhere and we dont even realize it. Dont slip away, if you do I’ll be on your doorstep dragging you to church> This gospel is precious, you cant go against it!
We had dinner with the Hatches last night, and again tonight. Did I mention I love them? It was so fun. The 9 year old hatch girl, Bishop Hatch not Shannon Hatch, was like, “I found you on instagram!” haha and her mom was like, “Yeah and I read your blog!” haha. What! We were there for awhile, so I braided all the girls hair, I MISS MY NIECES! Ah! I miss doing Jaymi’s girls hair! haha
Anywho, then we went to sacred music. We were half an hour late, and sat in the very back. After it was over 4 people came up and were like, “saw that you were late.” or “heres a program cause you were late!” haah How did they know!! CRAZY!
We sat by Katy. Its her birthday today. I love her!!! ❤ Me and her giggled our pants off during the meeting. It was so bad. I have such a loud laugh, its really not safe for me to laugh at church… It was SO funny! Ahhh!
I love you ALL! Pray my call comes today! I probably wont write anyone today cause I’ll be home in TWELVE DAYS!!!! What?!?!?!? CRAZY!
p.s The Book of Mormon totally says the word “silly” and it makes my heart happy 🙂
P.s.s Flake sings and plays guitar but has never seen friends. So she cant sing me smelly cat and it makes me really sad!
We were out visiting peeps and these people let us in and they smelled SO bad. SO bad that we had to go home and change after. Some serious smoke. SO gross. Thats all.
Also, from Sister Durrant in Show Low, it made my heart happy. ” I know Natalie really wants to see you. You left a great impression on that little girl. We miss u!” I love Frank!!!!!
December 13 at the Gilbert temple at 5:30 I am FINALLY going through! And I am SO excited!!!!!!! 🙂 PLEASE COME!

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