White women cant joke!

WHAT A WEEK! Holy canoli! It was rough to say the least.

Monday 11/2
PDAY is my favorite day. I love being in my pjs and doing absolutely nothing. Its glorious. Skirts are complicated. The only nice part about being in church dress is I can cut across the chapel whenever I want, other than that…..I dont like them!
We went and through our pumpkins off a cliff. One rotted inside and out and was black everywhere. DISGUSTING! It was cool. Kinda disappointing. It didnt smash quite like how I had imagined it. Boo hockey.
We went and had Family Home Evening with Mel and Katy. We want him to develop a relationship with Christ so we taught about having faith in Christ! We found out he doesnt really understand the atonement and isnt sure how it applies to him. I shared how I was in the exact same boat until the year. I know this is hard to believe, but Im pretty quiet during lessons. More so because I am just observing than anything. So I shared with him my story and he was like “Ya know when ya actually open your mouth you have a way with words!” haha. I love them. I dont wanna leave!
Tuesday 10/3
It was Ali’s NINTH birthday. WHAT? My little niece is 9 years old. I missed that cutie all day and wished I was home to take her out to the movies. This is the hard part of being on a mission! Ah!
Tuesday through Saturday I was SO sick. I wont give you all the details, but it was rough. I wanted to sleep the whole day but I felt disobedient. So we still went out, but whenever I felt super uber sick I’d grab Sis. Flake and be like yeah we need to go home. Thank goodness we only live like 2 seconds from home no matter where we go! Ah!
Wednesday 10/4
I really dont remember what happened this week cause I was sick. So this letter is going to be uber boring. Sorry.
We went and visited Berta. Reminds me of Birdo from mario kart. haha anyway. She speaks dutch. She is interested in the church but is moving to Tuscon…yesterday…so boo. She read my fav scripture in dutch! “Doch ziet alles werd gedaan in de wijsheid can hem Die alles weet.” 2 Nephi 2 :24. Go read it 🙂
Thursday 10/5
Lame District leaders text me wednesday night at 9:30 asking if I would give a training the next morning! UGH! I was sick and going to bed, so I prepared it the next day. Rough. So it was on extending commitments and following up and all that jazz. It was a bit rough. but what do ya expect. It was my first training and I was dying. Sooooo. After we went to arbys. BAD IDEA. We sat there and they were playing ALL THE GOOD SONGS ever! We sat in silence and listened to it. We all mouthed the words haha. Then when we left we all rang the bell that says “Ring if you had a good time!” and we were all laughing AND THEN GUESS WHAT! I am waiting to back Sis Flake out and this man comes out all grumpy and ugly and is like, “thanks for the floor show!” so I laugh and THIS OLD FART MOCKS ME!!!!! What! I looked at the other sister and was like WHAT THE HECK! and he started cussing. So Sis Flake smiled at him and totes said the F word and was like “wipe the smile off your face!” so I jumped in the car and as we drove away I looked at him mouth some more nasty words! I WAS SO MAD! Why! Why! Why! We didnt do anything wrong! It made me super depressed haha. I dont get why people are jerks!.
I finally found the scripture story I learned at Legacy. About coming down your mountain and when you do you take your guards down and bad things happen. We taught Jeff it. He really loved it and so did I! Jeff is SO nice. It was so windy I was freezing and he was like, “I just bought a new hoodie, you can have it!” ah! Love him. I didnt take it cause we cant wear hoodies in public. SO LAME. I need a warm coat. I need to go to Burlington Coat Factory when I get home!
Friday 10/6
We helped Travis and Mari move. Her last name is Craig. Im not sure if we are related but who knows! We moved from 10-3 and were EXHAUSTED! I was still not feeling swell and either was Flake. But we did it. We still went out despite our dying! haha. We came home and stuffed our faces cause we hadnt eaten either!!! And I went to sit at my desk AND GUESS WHAT! There was a giant package sitting there!!!!! I JUMPED UP AND DOWN AND SCREAMED AND LAUGHED!hahahahah. I LOVED it. It made my heart SO happy! Sis Kapanaks cute little daughter Samantha wrote me and was like, “good job for choosing the right….best friend ever…write me every week!” hahah it made me so happy. A really good pick me up that I needed! Oh man. I loved it!!!!
Because I’ve been sick, I’ve also been super homesick everyday. I miss you guys! I miss Kingswood Park! I miss my comfort zone! I miss my bed! Ah!!! Its rough. BUT only a few more weeks,and then I leave again!!
Saturday 10/7
We were still dying. I think our water got us sick! Cause its kinda cloudy and gross. They drink out of the tap up here. Yeah no thanks. I was always told NEVER drink out of the tap unless you’re in Utah or Washington! haha . Gross.
We were home till like dinner probably. Sis Flake was dying more than I was. Rough.
We went to dinner and then we headed to the Snowflake football game! We are encouraged to go to those,and we sat with mel and katy! They are hilarious. He speaks Navajo so he is teaching us. We want to go cow tipping!!! Its on my bucket list! haha. We froze at the game cause my jacket was WAY dirty and I cant wear my hoodie out soooooooo. It was freezing. And the game was like. like 50 to 0. Whatevs. Anywho. We went to the beecrofts after. I LOVE THEM! He was like, “if you get your call I would love to host it here!” BOOM! I  am SO excited!!!
Sunday 10/8
OOps. I messed up on the dates, but Im too lazy to go back and change it. Time is precious!
We had ward council at 7:15
6th ward at 9
5&1 ward council at 11:15
1st ward at 1-4
dinner at 5
lesson at 6
fireside at 7
lesson at 8
IT WAS SO LONG! I did get to bear my testimony though in each ward. So that was awesome. I LOVE 6th ward. I can see the temple when Im at that building. LOVE IT!
We have a new investigator who asked Sis Flake out on a date. Not that he was good looking or anything, but it sure made me feel like the ugly one. Like Marla Hooch in a League of their own. “HOOCH!” hahaha
There are some people here going apostate. SAD. We had a meeting with bishop and he just cried the whole time almost. WHY do people do that. WHY do they go against what is true. Sad thing is these people have been through the temple! 😦 WHY! Whyyyy. So in 1st ward we all bore testimony that we dont need proof we need FAITH and thats it. Ah so sad.
We taught gospel principles. I miss my class back home! There was 5 of us in this one. Im used to like 25!
ANND then we taught YW’s. These girls dont talk or participate. Which is the exact opposite of my ward back home haha. it was rough.!
We met the great great granddaughter of Joseph Smith last night!!!!!!!!!! She too knows the Osmonds… remind you of someone? 😉 Okay haha that wasnt nice. But still. The osmonds helped her convert. CRAZY. Her son had Joseph Smiths haircut. We giggled. We left and went to a lesson with Mel and Katy. Did I mention i love them? Ah! Cause I do!!
I am doing good. 4 weeks till Im home! We have a mission tour tomorrow. From 9-4. Its gonna be a long day! But I am hoping I am getting evaluated tomorrow for my new call!!! I AM SO NERVOUS TO KNOW WHERE I AM GOING!!!!!
The other night at Mel and Katys she was like,” what is it? white boy cant jump?” she butchered the joke and he was like, “no its white woman cant joke!” ahaha we laughed. Flake snorted so we laughed some more! hahaha
AND Joe Yoeman from Show Low is GETTING BAPTIZED!!!! I taught him like 3 lessons and I AM SO EXCITED!!! I get to go and I cant wait. My first-ish baptism!
I love you. I appreciate you! I am grateful for your prayers, and I ask for more! I am still a little homesick! And I dont wanna be!!
I love you. Make good choices. Remember who you are! ❤
It frosted our window and we couldnt get it off so we drive like it shows in the picture.
ALSO i got glow in the dark mustaches and they are so fun!! hahahahaha,
P.s I had a dream I was called to Utah January 3. Soooooooo> Start guessing!!!!!mission 355mission 326 mission 366 mission 367

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