I testify from my mother’s womb!

We had a zone meeting one day and they asked all forty of us missionaries to bear our testimonies. An elder went up there and said “My mission isnt just the best two years of my life, it is the best two years FOR my life.” That didn’t really strike me as anything profound that day or even for the next few months. It finally struck me today, ya know 4 months later!

But it is the absolute truth! I knew my mission was going to bless me and blah blah blah but I didn’t know it would bless me this much! Being out and serving the Lord didn’t suddenly reactivate those that have stopped going to church, it didn’t miraculously cure any of the health problems those that I love struggle with. It didn’t give me a better chance of winning the lottery, or raise anyone from the dead. Though those would have been way nice and cool! My mission truly changed me, for the better!

Which is odd because I already thought I was the bees knees, and my mission proved that was true. Maybe I should be more humble, but eh. I call it like I see it. I am pretty cool. The mish helped me become even cooler though! It taught me how to be bold and confident, even if that was fake confidence! It taught me that I can do anything I put my mind to, and some days I put my mind to nothing and that’s what we accomplished! It was crazy! I never thought I would change that much, in so many awesome ways! And I didn’t really recognize the change because it was so gradual! It wasn’t like Extreme Makeover Home Edition tv edit where the house is completely flipped in an hour and a half run time! It was 16 months of Heavenly Father blessing me with people and experiences to change me and make me better! So it was freakin’ awesome when I came home and realized I had changed. People expected the same ol’ fraidy cat Haylei and she isn’t there. Okay, well she comes out sometimes. Especially when it comes to ordering food with other people. It’s just so awkward!

Anyways! My mission really was the best 16 months FOR my life. I know I’ve only been home 7 weeks and y’all are probably like, “yeah just wait till real life comes and gets ya!” but seriously! Not a second goes by that I don’t think about my mission and the awesome time I had, the amazing lessons I learned and taught! My institute teacher tonight ranted on about his mission for 45 minutes and part of me was like “c’mon buddy! You’ve got a lesson to teach!” BUT the other part of me was so happy, I probably had the stupidity grin on my face! He served over 30 years ago and he still gets just as happy and excited when he talks about it as I’m sure he did when he got home! Amazing! I want to be like that. I probably will be the annoying person that always says “Well on MY mission…” hahaha.

Although I feel jipped in certain circumstances concerning my mission..the lack of opening my first mission call, or opening the second one with friends and family back home, to coming home early….It was the best thing, and I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way. I got the best of a lot of worlds! I served in my home state and represented the Savior in the South! How legit is that? Mozzy would say #toolegittoquit 🙂

It was cray cray, I started the book of mormon all over again last week! I started with the introduction and at the bottom of the page it states Moroni’s promise. Which is, if you read the book of mormon and ponder on its pages, and ask with a sincere heart with real intent, Heavenly Father will answer you and testify to you that it is true! And y’all it was insane in the membrane! I read that and that same feeling I’d get reading it on people’s doorsteps came back! I was so overwhelmed with the spirit! I LOVED extending that invitation to people! It is so powerful because it is SO true!
One time Demo and I were tracting in Purvis and I knocked on this lads door and he kindly agreed to hear our message. So I was reading the promise to him in Moroni 10 and y’all this giant gust of wind came and flipped the pages of the book of mormon but I DIDN’T STOP READING! hahaha. Just goes to show you that reading something that often really gets stuck in your noggin! 🙂

But fo’ reals. My mission was the greatest thing for my life. A sister said it on Sunday, “You used to be a wimp! And now you’re so courageous!” Sadly, she was right! I was a wimp! Not to say I’m perfect, I still get scared asking for a box to go when I’m out to eat, but I’m learning ! 🙂

So the moral of the story is. Get crackin’ on preparing yourself to go on a mission. It’s the GREATEST thing to ever happen. Ever. Days will be hard. People will reject you. It might be humid or crazy cold. The food might be absolutely nasty, and you may get chewed out by a member or two, but it is WONDERFUL! Because there are days that will be the perfect temperature, and you’ll look good in whatever you’re wearing. The food will be just like your mom cooks it, and people will accept your message and be baptized (but not right then and there! There is a protocol for that stuff!) Believe me. I did it. I cried. I yelled. But I also laughed my butt off and felt the spirit. Should butt and spirit be in the same sentence? Well, it is.

I love y’all. I know this gospel is the best things for us! And if you wanna know if this gospel is true, just ask God. Whether you are a new member or have been one forever. He is no respecter of persons! Just ask! I promise He will answer! Love y’alls face.


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