Get your kicks on route 260? 

So I’ve decided because I will be off to new adventures in just two short weeks, I’ll start updating my blog with them like I did for my mission (because so many of you requested to keep a weekly email going!) So keep reading, or stop now. It’s your choice. No guarantees these wont be as long as my mission emails! 😉
This last week I had the opportunity to visit my first mission! It was AMAZING! I don’t know why, but I got so nervous when we headed up there! I guess I just figured maybe everyone wasn’t going to be as excited to see me because I only spent 12 short weeks in the White Mountains! I was wrong, or at least I hope I was 😉 People seemed pretty excited.
The start of the week was fabulous because I was able to spend time with my second family ❤ I whipped Jaymi’s butt at every game we played and had an intense game of “I Spy” with the Kenster! I love that family, they maybe hold a special place in my heart. AND the coolest part of the whole week was, I got to sleep in a FULL bed all week! Like what the what? All I have is a dumb twin! I felt rich! haha.
Monday I visited a recent convert! It was crazy how fast their little girls have grown up! And it was amazing to see how much their faith in Christ has increased and their testimonies! They are going through some hard trials right now, but they don’t let that stop them from doing what is right! I love how humble and happy they are! So grateful I met them in 2014! After them I met with my most favorite of all, Phil. He is so sweet and so loving! People thought we were Father/Daughter when they saw our reunion spot at our usual lunch spot! Never have I met a more kind and compassionate man. Every lunch tears are shed out of happiness of seeing one another, and sadness of having to say goodbye again! Love him. Everyone needs a Phil in their life!
Besides the freezing cold wind and constantly being sick, the rest of the week was swell! I stayed with Frank and the Durrants and my inner child came out. I sure love that family, and little Frank Jr Jr who makes me feel like the coolest person in the world! So strange having them not call me Sister Craig anymore. A few times that slipped out, but I also got called Craigster, Craigey, Craigley, and Frankie. Hahaha. I sure love them. Everyone needs a Frank Jr jr. After watching the fault in our stars (which was terribly boring) we decided we needed a word for each other too. I taught her how to monkey bite and frog people, so while she was frogging me we decided that rib-bit was going to be our new word!! Haha! She’s adorable. I love that kid.
And y’all ya know what was crazy?! I had dinner with the elders and a lesson with the sisters! How crazy is that?! I was maybe hoping one of those elders would be super hott and my new soul mate, but alas, no luck! Haha! It was weird sitting in on the sisters lesson, in a home where I used to be the missionary! So crazy! The missionary in me wanted to correct their lesson and ask questions and make comments, but I had to remember…I’m no longer the missionary! I’m just the member! And that was really really hard!! Like y’all have no idea! So when they asked for questions and comments my heart raced with all these things I wanted to say! Ah!!! And they seemed pretty intimidated too of having me there!!! Now they know how I feel everytime I went out with Krista in Purvis! haha Anyways!
The end of my vacation was wonderful! Spent time with Mel and Katy, who I adore, and I know Mel loves me too even though he gets all awkward around me and insists on handshakes! BUT I went in for the hug!! 😉 Loved running into people and hugging their beautiful faces! Heavenly Father really does put people in our lives for a reason! I know that! My mission would not have been as wonderful as it was without the beautiful, incredible and fun people I met in Show Low and Taylor! Out of all the places I could have served, I served in some crazy towns just 3 hours from me!!
Y’all! I am so blessed. My mission was wonderful and I miss it terribly! Loved being able to be these peoples friend now, and not just their missionary! Although, I really did love being their missionary!! The Mountains sure know how to take care of their missionaries! ❤

Till we meet again Show Low and Taylor ❤️ Good gravy I miss being a missionary!  


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