Datin’ Ohio 

It’s pretty funny how life works. My entire mission I wanted to be back with friends and family. Don’t get me wrong I loved my mission and the wonderful people I met and the work I did and the spirit I felt, but my soul hungered for home. Suddenly my “due date” came and I returned home! It was a shock to the system! I was as awkward as awkward could be! I forgot how to talk to everyone! I loved the fact that I could listen to music and be by myself but I was completely awkward besides that. And on top of being awkward, I had to start making real adult decisions! I went from having my days planned out for me, every  second to nothin! Of course I had been praying on my mission and all that wonderful stuff but it was harder this time! Anyways, I received my answer loooong before I “got my answer!” I knew I needed to move away from home, and the opportunity presented itself in Ohio! WHAT! Ohio? Like what the junk? That came outta nowhere! But it really didn’t! When I was in Biloxi I met this kick butt family and I knew I wanted to be around them, and apprently they felt the same way! They wanted me around them! So with some texting, templeing, praying and looking up flights, my ticket was bought and I arrived in Ohio two short days ago! I rode my first red eye and the scary Rachel Mcadams movie played over and over in my head. I kept a pen in my purse just in case I was gonna have to stab someone in the throat. Besides the 200 degree heat that was blowing on the plane, it was fine and I was glad when we landed in freezing cold Chicago! But I wasn’t glad for long considering I had an Arizona sweater on! 👎🏼 Ah well, ya live and ya learn! 

It’s going to be an adjustment that’s for sure. I was a little homesick at first and then I remembered something I learned on my mission. UNPACK. Get to a new area, UNPACK right away. It helped ease the sadness and help me feel at home. Cause this is my new home for who knows how long! 🙂 

Besides that, it’s wonderful here. I haven’t done anything but I can already tell it’s going to be grand. I’m not the same Haylei I was 2 years ago! I reached out to the singles ward and felt like a fool, but that’s okay. At least I’m a hott fool. A hott fool who can rock a stick shift! 😉 

Anyways. Life is hard but I am so grateful to have someone who knows all! Thats Heavenly Father y’all. It’s comforting to know that I’m not alone, even in a brand new place, with no mountains or palm trees, or anything I’m used to…I’m not alone. 

The church is true. The book is blue. Ohio is freezing. Allergies keep me sneezing. 

Ps the title? I got hit on and it was a bit awkward. I’m also hoping my hott man is here somewhere in Ohio so I won’t have to go to BYU-IDO. Maybe Ohio will bring me better luck than every single other place I’ve ever been.😘

Love y’all. Remember who you are!


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