Purvite at heart 

The last two months have been indescribable! Before my mission I had no idea normal people dwelled in Mississippi! I thought it was just a bunch of redneck people who didn’t wear shoes! It was the last place I thought I’d be called to!!! And then I got here and I couldn’t believe THIS was Mississippi. People were normal, wore clothes, and not everyone had a twangy accent that you couldn’t understand what they were saying! But I can’t say they’re just like everyone else because to me, these Mississippians will always hold a special place in my heart ❤️ 

“There are certain people that inhabit a small, quiet space inside your heart despite any circumstance, happening or situation. They left a piece of themselves when your souls collided upon impact, and there they will always subtly remain” 

My month long trip to tour my mission was extended and though I was overly excited to spend more time with my people, my heart ached because I know myself, and I knew goodbyes were going to be hard! A year ago on June 16, I was transferred to Purvis! I was nervous and excited for this change! I had no idea I would love it as much as I did…do! Heavenly Father knew what he was doing when he placed me here! 

Some people make your laugh a little louder, your smile a little brighter, and your life a little better.

I hate to make it sound like all my other friends and peeps don’t compare. Because that’s not how it is! I think as a missionary, especially for me, your eyes are open to the amazing beauty that is within everyone. Yeah…even the derps who slam the door in your face or who try to tell you what you believe! They’re beautiful too. I am blessed. I learned so much from those I served on my mission! It has been amazing to be back and see their beauty without the missionary eyes! The people of the south are wonderful and inspiring! From the older convert who has a debilitating disease but still serves as much as she can, to the youth who are involved in every sport/club activity possible but are also so involved in missionary work! The people of the south are so much nicer than us westerners! They’ll talk to you even if they don’t know you! Like whaaaattt!!? People do that?  My soul belongs here fo’ sho! And these are just the small examples of how beautiful people here are!

One of my homie members said to me when I first got here, “We love that you are the same person you were when you were a missionary! We were a little nervous!” And the response I came up with in my head several days later was how grateful AM that they are also the same. That they didn’t feel the need to put on a show! To act like they were perfect! It’s refreshing to be able to be yourself around others! 

Sippi is great so, check it! ✔️ The hip happenings that made this trip swell👇🏼

  • The amazingly delicious snowcones (I swear I’ve eaten half my weight in these bad boys!)
  • The amount of times I’ve gone grocery shopping with people and made it an adventure (see snapchat story on fb!)
  • The amount of random people who keep telling me I should move here!
  • The bishop asking if I would speak in sacrament! (Like what! I’m not even a member here!)
  • The cliff jumping into the deep hole! (We don’t jump into anything in Az! Scary!)
  • Fried chicken.
  • Late night Taco Bell runs!
  • Playing taboo. We are pros. (Manure is the same as mature right?)
  • Flesh eating bacteria infected ocean! Who doesn’t love that!
  • Awkward dates.
  • Driving to all my areas by MYSELF with music blasting. Cmon, that’s an RM’s dream!
  • Trying seafood again…
  • And regretting trying it again….
  • Errbody asking if I’m back for a boy…. Like unless you’ve got one for me that’s a definite no. 
  • Did I mention fried chicken? And the snowcones?!
  • And the sweetness of everyone’s prayers to watch over me

My mission did more than just give me states to cross off or a check mark in cool things I’ve done. It brought me closer to Christ, and the biggest way it did that was by putting people in my path. To meet, love and serve. I love what Elder Burton said, “Act as if those who don’t know Christ but know you will want to know Christ because they know you.” I feel blessed to be surrounded by so many Christ like people! The Relief Society counselor who goes and takes care of an elderly lady and does her laundry, or the relief society president who comes over at midnight and brings you pie when a tragedy has struck your family.  The houses aren’t near one another, the hours aren’t ideal but they do it. I want to be a part of that! I want to be that. 

I miss being a representative of my Savior here. I miss having the authority to teach people and the opportunity to share spiritual thoughts with families. Being a missionary was the greatest. Ever!

I know Heavenly Father loves us and is aware of us. He loves us whether we think we do everything right or if we feel like we just can’t do anything right. He is there for us. I know my Savior lives and loves me and you! I am so grateful for the chance I had to serve him, and for this chance to be back visiting the people who made my mission what it was! Also, I love yalls faces. ❤️ And if you get the chance, get your booty to Sippi! It’s the promise land, I’m sure of it! 😘

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