When I was 15 maybe even 16 I participated in the church youth program. I remember one Christmas we had a devotional activity at a members house, we of course were late and caught the end of a leaders testimony. She gave everyone a preggo jar with a bow, and a book “The Christmas Jar”. I was confused but took the gift. When I shared with my mom what we received, she exclaimed that she had read that book and loved it. Spoiler alert, I’m going to tell you what the book is about in 2 sentences or less!

In this book, he puts all his change in a jar throughout the entire year, and when that year comes to an end, he finds someone to give this jar of money to! I never read the book, but that’s how it was explained to me. So this preggo jar sat on my bookshelf for years, change would go in, and change would be pulled out.I had the intention of giving it to someone, but never did because I always needed the extra money for Christmas gifts, or a jar of nutella.

In 2013 I decided I was going to do this jar thing the right way. I asked a friend if she knew anyone who could use a little bit of love this Holiday season. She explained her neighbors situation, and a week later I came back with the jar, a book of mormon and my friend and I ding-dong ditched his house. I was so excited and so nervous. To this day I don’t know if anything ever came of it, but it was one of my favorite Christmas’s!

Fast forward to now. Being a missionary during Christmas time is so amazing because the church has started these “initiatives” to help spread the gospel throughout all the world. As missionaries, we would get special pass along cards and we’d knock on people’s doors asking if we could show them a video…on their phone! HA! I wasn’t blessed with an iPad mission. It was amazing. This year the church has a new initiative. Light the World is the video, and for each day this month they have a way we can help light the world. The video is inspiring and you can watch it here. Now that you’ve watched the video, take a look at the calendar  for service. I didn’t jump on board right away, and sometimes I’m off by a day or two in what I’m doing, but I hope that y’all reading this will do one of these! The best way to feel of our Saviors love is to serve others!

I don’t share this story to boast, but I want to tell y’all about the experience I had. When I moved to Ohio, I cleaned out a nutella jar and said I was going to use that for my Christmas jar service this year. The problem is, I don’t ever have cash, and that makes change really hard to come by. Last weekend the YSA went to the zoo lights, and I somehow convinced everyone to go to IHOP afterwards. If you know me at all, you know I am not an IHOP fan but a Dennys supporter all the way! As our group sat down, the sweetest bubbliest waitress came to our table and started taking orders. She was cracking jokes with us, and told us about her sweet kids at home. My heart practically leaped out of my chest as I watched this beautiful stranger serve us. As I left the restaurant I was overwhelmed with this feeling to give her my Christmas jar. I counted the coins in the jar. It wasn’t much. It was just over $30.00. It wasn’t filled to the top, and I had to give it to her in the coming week before I fly home for Christmas. I ghetto wrapped the jar, stuffed a Light the World pass along card in the side, and convinced some people to go to IHOP after the ward Christmas party tonight. I was disappointed when we got there because I didn’t see her. Our waiter took an insane amount of time collecting our orders, dishing them out, and giving us our checks. By the time everyone received the cards, I saw her serve the table next to us. It’s easier to secretly serve someone. No eye contact, no awkward exchange of words. Drop the jar and get the heck outta Compton! But I didn’t know what car was hers, and I didn’t dare ask for her address! haha We left the restaurant and I ran out to my car to grab the ghetto jar. I was nervous, I didn’t know what I was going to say. I wanted to put my name tag on and explain that I was a missionary, but I couldn’t. I had to be Haylei! #andthatissuperscary

When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.

I don’t know her situation, but I don’t need to. I felt my Saviors love for this beautiful soul. I teared up as I explained to her what this jar was, and she hugged me so tight. It was a bit awkward…I’m always awkward. She said she recognized me from last week, hugged me again and then I left. I may never see her again, but I am grateful for this opportunity I had to serve her and show her love.

Christ truly is the reason for the season. The gifts, hot chocolate, family functions, white elephant gifts and lights are all magically wonderful. Those are memories never to be forgotten. I cherish the experiences I’ve had, pre, present, and post mission! Lifting others burdens and sharing with them the love the Savior has for them is indescribable. There truly is no greater feeling. Though I can no longer knock on strangers doors and share glad tidings of Jesus Christ, I can serve those around me and love it just the same.

Love is the very essence of the gospel, and Jesus Christ is our example

Life is stressful, especially this time of year. Can I be a missionary again and invite y’all to do something? Extend an invitation? Serve. Get out and serve. There are things on pinterest, there’s the link to the calendar above, there are things in your mind that you’ve wanted to do but haven’t found the time. Will you get out and share Christ? Share His love with others and I promise you that you’ll feel true joy. Not happiness because that is temporary, but true joy. That is what I felt tonight. It is a wonderful feeling. Like I said before, I don’t say this to boast. It’s like eating nutella-it’s delicious and I want everyone to try it!! #unlessyouareallergic #thenthatsunfortunate

For God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

I am incredibly grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice. I know that He came to this earth and experienced sorrow and pain so that He could be there for me when I went through trials. I know He loves me, and He loves you. He is rooting for us. He is there for you


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