Trial-missionaries are missionaries too!

Three years ago today I received my trial mission call to the Arizona Scottsdale Mission. Earlier that week my sister had joked I’d be called to Tuscon Arizona, so when I came home in tears she immediately exclaimed, “Oh no! You’re going to Tuscon!” We laugh now, but at that moment my heart broke. I had never heard of a “trial mission” and truly thought the Lord didn’t trust me. I’ve talked about this experience several times in my blogs, so we wont talk about it now.

Trial-missionaries are missionaries too! A sister made a comment to my companion when learning that I was a trial missionary of, “Is she even a real missionary?” It struck me and hurt my heart. Trial missionaries come in all different varieties. Some have physical limitations, mental disabilities, and in my case, emotional struggles. Though my struggles were in the past, I had never really experienced being away from home for more than a month. I didn’t understand why I got the call to ASM at first, and I’ll never know the real reason, but I’m grateful.

Trial missionaries are the same as those called to Africa, New York or Iowa! We have a desire much like other full time missionaries. Our calls, however, are different. We leave quickly, without going through the temple, and don’t go to the MTC first. Our calls are for two-transfers in a place relatively close to home. We spend one transfer in an area, and then are transferred to another area with a different trainer, as to prepare us for what full time missions are like. We are set apart and have interviews with President like every other missionary. Towards the end of your second transfer, your first and second companions, as well as the mission president and yourself are required to do an evaluation online of how you served. This part I was nervous about, even though I had done fine. I luckily was sent 3 hours away from my house to a place I had rarely gone. Being in the valley was hard because I knew how to get home! If I chose not to continue my missionary service, as stated in my call letter, I would have received my certification of completion and been released and gone on with my life. I chose to continue on, and after my evaluations went to the Missionary Board in SLC, a new mission call was issued to me!

The Lord needs us in specific places for specific reasons. Some reasons are big and obvious, others are small and go unnoticed for awhile. I’ll never understand my “big” purpose in the ASM, but I am grateful for the small reasons. I made the best of friends. It taught me how to be exactly obedient, and myself. I had the best trainers and the best areas. It truly prepared me for my next mission call. Some trial missionaries are called back to their same trial missions, but I went on to Mississippi. The next 11 days were fast paced and kind of a blur. Usually then you go through the temple, get sent to the MTC, and leave with your district from there to your mission! You then serve the remaining time in your next mission!

See? There really is no difference! Trial missionaries are missionaries too. We teach, we love, we invite, we baptize, we grow and we learn. I know I wouldn’t have been the missionary I was in Mississippi if it weren’t for serving in Arizona first.

You are NOT less if you are a trial missionary. You are NOT weak if you serve a two transfer mission. You are a REAL missionary, no matter where you serve, or how long. Serve your heart out sisters! The Lord needs you…ALL of you!

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